YMCA Supports Veterans Through Free Membership Program

Boothbay Register – by Candi Joneth, News Contributor, 05/30/2024
About one year ago, the YMCA Alliance of Northern New England (YMCA NNE) partnered with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (USVA) and VA Maine Healthcare System to launch a first-of-its-kind program in the U.S., the YMCA Veterans Membership Program. It provides free access to YMCA programs and facilities to qualifying Maine veterans across the state. As of this April, 310 veterans are enrolled in the program statewide, 13 at Boothbay Region YMCA (BRYMCA), and the program has a waiting list for new enrollments, according to Paige Binfield, YMCA NNE director of development.
The program began after the Togus VA Medical Center closed its gym and swimming pool during COVID-19 and was unable to reopen post-pandemic. The partnership provides qualified veterans, with a referral from their VA Maine primary care physician, the opportunity to join their local YMCA with the USVA and VA Maine funding their monthly dues. In addition to BRYMCA, 13 other Maine Y’s participated in the program, to ensure veterans have access to fitness facilities.