Meet Tyler Corrado, the Night Time Supervisor for the Nashua YMCA! Tyler moved to the area when he was in middle school and quickly got involved with the Y by spending his first New Hampshire summer at Camp Spaulding. Camp Spaulding was our association’s resident camp in Penacook, NH which we ran prior to 2020.
Tyler enjoyed his time at Spaulding so much he returned the following season and every summer into his high school years. During high school he also joined our Leaders Club, a teen centered leadership program that our association has been running for over 20 years.
Tyler enjoyed spending time at the Y so much that he eventually starting working at the Welcome Center in Nashua as his first job in high school. “I went from a decent amount of time to all the time at the Y” Tyler joked. Tyler shared with me how impactful he felt Leaders was for him as an impressionable young teen, “It showed me what it means to be a good person”. He felt that the program with its leadership component and acts of community service was inspiring. In addition he joined our Leaders in Training (LIT) program at Camp Sargent for a summer, where he enjoyed the leadership development and being with friends.
Now Tyler is the Night Time Supervisor at the Welcome Center in Nashua, a role he recently took on. When asked what he most enjoys about working at the Y he shared “I like being able to help people”. He also shared that he likes meeting people and making friends, and because of the Y he has become more social and extroverted.
Tyler feels passionate about the Y in that it gives teens a better option of a place to go and that it is developmentally impactful for that age demographic. Tyler also expressed that the Y gives tools to others to instill a sense of achievement and that the relationships staff are able to build with others nurtures a sense of belonging. He compared the Y to other businesses sharing that many places you see staff who may be otherwise occupied and not as engaged or supportive of building relationships, all reasons why he feels the Y is not only a great community organization but a wonderful place to work!