Bangor Region YMCA's evidence-based Alzheimer's Program for People Living with Alzheimer's disease and their Care Partners

Mark Schoon, a key Bangor Y staff member for the program, shared a story about how the Alzheimer’s program is benefitting participants:
“We have a couple where he’s the care partner and his wife has Alzheimer’s. It was getting harder and harder to get her out of the house but we knew she loved to dance. One time, we had a music therapist visit our program. He was playing Johnny Cash and the husband is a huge country fan, especially Johnny Cash. He got up with a huge smile on his face, took his wife by the hand, and the two of them started dancing. I’m getting goosebumps remembering this. They were ‘that couple’ again, out on the dance floor, reconnecting. It was a beautiful thing to see.”